Project Description

Welcome to Colossorama! A place built for the most violent people! Pick a sword, ditch it for a spear, swap it for a hammer, take a drink or two, and get slashing and bashing! Only those that can adapt will be remembered in the Pantheon of Gladiators! So, get in there and make us proud. After all, heads won’t chop themselves, you know.

Colossorama is an Arcade Hack’n Slash game, where you fight waves of enemies in the arena while you are at mercy of needing to change your weapons or items between each wave. Colossorama was initially developed and released at the Ludum Dare 36 game jam in september 2017, by the programmer and artist. I joined afterwards to initially improve their sound, especially their music. Afterwards I joined the main team as Associate Programmer & Audio guy.

The latest update for colossorama is called “The Champions Update” and focuses on refining and adding new content to what already exists, introducing new weapons, foes and characters, tighter physics, rebalancing, several visual overhauls, bug fixes, achievements, scoreboards and more!

The update will be released in may 2019.

In colossorama I’ve worked on all the audio, from which the soundtracks can be listened too below (the new soundtracks will be added after release date of the update):

Beside the music and audio done, in Colossorama I’ve fixed bugs and created a Scoreboard and Achievement system which are game agnostic and implemented using various Web game host sites APIs, such as newgrounds and gamejolt. The scoreboard and achievement system will be available with the release of The Champions Update.

The game is available on the following platforms: